Welcome to Summertime!
High quality musical instruments play a major factor to succeed in music. Laurent is often asked by beginning students and by parents about the best criteria to select a musical instrument. Here is his suggested recommendation for the purchase of a saxophone or other instruments based on his long time experience.
1) Never purchase an instrument that you have not tried out. In other words, always, always make it clear to the Seller that you want the option of sending the instrument back. It does not matter who the seller is. They cannot guarantee that the instrument will be the best. The only way to know is to try it out, and then send it back, without any hassle, if it does not work out. You should be able to try a number of instruments with a return policy worked out so that if there is a charge for restocking, at least you will know upfront. Do not hesitate to take advantage the restocking fee, because it is better to pay the restocking fee than being stuck with an instrument that is not suitable. You should be able to try a number of instruments in this manner.
2) The instrument must function correctly. This means that all PADS MUST CLOSE TIGHTLY onto the key holes. This is very important. Many beginning students think that their instrument is hard to play, not because of being a beginner, but because the instrument is not performing like it should. So this must be monitored very carefully. Make sure that all mechanisms function and keys do not stick or stutter.
3) How do you know if an instrument is functioning like it should? The best answer is to take it to an instrument repairman, even if the Instrument is new. There is an extra cost to maintaining an instrument. Even after you purchase an instrument, there should be yearly checkups. This will make the instrument last a long time and give resale value a big plus. Always take a instrument, new or used, to a repairman for final evaluation. This will go a long way.
4) The user should be the final person to give the go ahead on the selection of the instrument. Learning how to play may seem daunting at first but dedication, practice and the love of the instrument will lead to a rewarding musical journey.
Public performances:
June 9th & July 14th: Mélange quartet, Sunday brunch at Manayunk Brewery Restaurant (10:30am to 2:30pm) – www.manayunkbrewery.com
June 14th & July 12th: Bert Harris and Laurent Bass Duo – bass and soprano/tenor/flute, Paris Wine Bar (9:00pm – 12:00am) – www.londongrill.com/paris-wine-bar/
What Was All Of That Noise About: John Coltrane, His Critics & The New Jazz at Philadelphia Jazz Project at Gershman Y (May 7th).
This community conversation provided us with an opportunity to discuss the musical development of John Coltrane, and how his search for musical perfection triggered a firestorm of criticism, anger, disappointment and misunderstanding. The conversation explored what John Coltrane was after, what he did and the impact of his search.
Special guests for this journey were George L. Starks, Jr., – Ph.D. Professor of Music and Saxophonist, Drexel University; Scott Robinson – Ph.D. Franciscan Brother and Percussionist; Bobby Zankel – Composer and Saxophonist, Terry Adkins – Visual Artist/Professor of Design, University of Penna, Robert Kenyatta – Percussionist.
Performances, corporate and social events –

Mélange at Manayunk Brewery Restaurant - LB on soprano sax, Kimpedro on drums, Bert Harris on bass, Steve Strawitz on guitar. Sunday Jazz Brunch.

Mélange’s “Little Big Band” – Bert Harris on bass, LB on sax, Sal Centola on drums, Stan Slotter on trumpet, Paul Pelusi on keys, Brian Pastor on trombone. Graduation party in Chadds Ford area.

Mélange Trio, Walter Runge on piano, Bert Harris on bass, LB on tenor sax Corporate event at The Barnes Foundation

Trio – Bert Harris, bass; Laurent Bass, sax; Walter Runge, piano Corporate event at The Ritz Carlton
Wishing You A Wonderful Summer!