April News


Celebrate Jazz Appreciation Month!


Congratulations to Laurent for winning Los Angeles based, The Akademia Music Award for Best Funk/Jazz song for his original composition “Feelin’ Good” in the March 2015 Akademia Music Award! We’re proud to share this special achievement with our friends and fans.


Press release: http://mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=182202

Laurent composed, arranged, performed and produced “Feelin’ Good” as well as several other original compositions which can be heard (and downloaded) on his Reverbnation page: http://www.reverbnation.com/laurentlbbass

Upcoming events

April is Jazz Appreciation Month in Philadelphia – and around the world – and April 30 has been designated as International Jazz Day by UNESCO. Philadelphia is currently enjoying a thriving contemporary jazz scene with many talented artists. Enjoy live performances, panels, films, art exhibitions at various venues throughout the month. We hope that you can join us for some of our performances. Here is our current schedule:

Public performances

Sunday, April 12, Mélange Jazz Quartet – LB, soprano and tenor sax, blues harmonica, flute; Bert Harris, upright bass; Kimpedro Rodriguez, drums; Steve Strawitz, guitar and violin –  Live Jazz Brunch, Manayunk Brewery Restaurant, 10:30am – 2:30pm, https://www.manayunkbrewery.com/

Thursday, April 23, Mélange Jazz Quartet – LB, soprano and tenor sax, blues harmonica; Bert Harris, upright bass; Kimpedro Rodriguez, drums; Steve Strawitz, guitar – Happy Hour, Warmdaddy’s, 6:00pm – 7:15pm, hosted by Michael Tozzi and IJazz Global, http://www.warmdaddys.com/

Saturday, May 9, Bert Harris Trio – Bert Harris, bass; LB, soprano and tenor sax; Karen Smith, percussion – Paris Wine Bar, 9:00pm – 12:00am, http://www.londongrill.com/paris-wine-bar/

Sunday, May 17, Mélange Jazz Quartet – LB, soprano and tenor sax, blues harmonica, flute; Bert Harris, upright bass; Kimpedro Rodriguez, drums; Steve Strawitz, guitar and violin Live Jazz Brunch, Manayunk Brewery Restaurant, 10:30am – 2:30pm, https://www.manayunkbrewery.com/

Friday, June 12, Bert Harris Trio –  Bert Harris, bass; LB, soprano and tenor sax; Karen Smith, percussion – Paris Wine Bar, 9:00pm – 12:00am, http://www.londongrill.com/paris-wine-bar/

Private and Corporate Events

April 17, LB Jazz + One, Laurent Bass, private reception, Union League.

May 15, private receptions, Hyatt at the Bellevue, soloists (Pianist, Dave Posmontier; Classical guitarist, Dan Brooks; cellist, Gael Abbasi; Classical guitarist, Steve Strawitz;  violinist, Tracy Parente; pianist, Jim Holton).

May 15, private function, Mélange Jazz Trio – LB, soprano and tenor sax; Bert Harris, upright bass; Walter Runge, keyboard – Penn Law School.

June 19, Mélange Jazz Quartet – – LB, soprano and tenor sax; Bert Harris, upright bass; Walter Runge, keyboard, Kimpedro Rodriguez, drums – Jazz Night, Bala Golf Club.

Jazz related events during Jazz Appreciation Month

Learn more about jazz related events in the city at:


Thank you for your support and interest in our music.
Wishing you a Happy Spring!
